Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Week at Camp

As I previously mentioned, thanks to the families at West Nairobi School and those of you at home, we sponsored 166 kids to go to camp. These slum students spent a week in paradise... three meals a day, warm beds to sleep in, a bible to study from, fun activities to take part in, and teachers who loved on them.

Myself, and a group of WNS High School students, spent 3 days at camp. We were given the responsibility of presenting bible lessons and games in hopes to interact with the campers. We also ate lunch there. To my surprise, the food was quite good. Lots of seasoned potatoes, vegetables, and soups.

I spoke with the camp director (Pastor Shadrack) at the end of the week. He proudly informed me that over 30 campers had accepted Christ. In my opinion, all of our hard work was summed up in that moment. The following are a couple of videos to show you the joyous faces I got to see throughout the week.


brad said...

That is good to hear Miss Amy, & I am sure you got your summary of the week right. ;-) Thanks for the news. (I'll have to watch the videos when I get home...)

Will you get a chance to see any of the kids from the camp again?

Those kiddos are in my prayers...

Cari said...

Oh Amy how beautiful!! What an amazing experience. We can't wait to see you soon!! Look forward to seeing your beautiful face and seeing what miracles God has done in your own heart. I'm sure a part of you will be staying in Africa, they say Africa is like that.

Amy said...

Thanks for checking in guys! Keep these new believers in your prayers.

The chances of seeing the same kids again is very likely. Most of them are from Mitumba slums, where we focus a lot of our outreach.

Looking forward to seeing you too! I am sure you have all changed as much as I have. Will most definitely leave behind part of my heart here in Africa.