Sunday, February 15, 2009

Can you say... COLD!

As part of my job, I coach elementary intramural sports after school. Currently we are in the middle of swim season. We offer two classes, beginning and advanced. Each class has 20 students and 4 instructors, including myself. The kids have been showing huge improvements over the last four weeks. It has been fun to watch.

This is a picture of the pool we practice in twice a week. Its location is down the street from our school, at a place called St. Christopher's. We bus our students over. The pool itself is very nice but the water, in my opinion, is freezing. I think there are some blue lipped children walking around that would agree with me too. Kenya has beautiful weather, not what I expected before coming here. So, outside temperatures never quite get hot enough to warm the pool.

On a daily basis, I work with a team of high school coaches. Hanging out with these guys is often the highlight of my day. Being the only girl, I have had to learn to fend for my own, but I think they would tell you I have pulled my fair share of the weight. When I was offered the job of coordinating after school sports I didn't really feel qualified, but it is something I have learned to enjoy. Despite the fact that it has given me the opportunity to try something new, it has also opened the door to connect with students outside the classroom. Having the support of other coaches has made it easy to ask questions through soccer, kickball, swimming, roller hockey, and soon to come, basketball. The different coaches often attend each others games and interact outside of school. I am more than blessed to be a part of this team.

1 comment:

brad said...

I remember having to get out of the pool most summers with blue lips... Of course, we would almost never go swimming in WI if we waited for the water to get as warm as it gets here in Fresno! ;-) I am sure there will be plenty of nice warm swimming pools waiting for you once you get back here...

It is interesting... I have always enjoyed not necessarily the actual "coaching" of sports but always the opportunities they provide to get to know kids better and in a completely different environment. I am glad that you have been surprised, and pleasantly it seems, by this part of your job. Go Coach P.!

Uganda huh? You'll have to tell us more about that opportunity...